Looking for a wedding cake picture gallery?

This wedding cake video will stroll you right through an entire gallery with music. Enjoy and let us know which one is your favorite? 🙂



  1. Get Wed on the Italian Coast!!! professional wedding planner based in Italy…Check out my channel and videos please!! For more info have a look at our website italybrideandgroom . com

  2. 53 seconds into the video i was getting ready to click OUT LOL talk about your unconventional weddings… great vid skip those first 53 seconds and it would be better …

  3. What are the mini cakes seen at 3:30 and 8:00 called? I absolutely love that shape and size but I have no clue what pans/molds to look for. Thanks in advance.

  4. I don’t understand cupcake towers with a cake at the top for the bride and groom to cut or save. . If you want to be traditional then be traditional. But if you want to be different, go all the way! I would just cut a cupcake with my hubby and save another one in the freezer for the anniversary. No layer cake needed.

  5. The cakes are so pretty…..and took lots of time and skill….over 10yrs ago …..I took the beginning of Wiltons’ cake decorating class… was so much fun…..I am palnning to finish the other half….just to have fun and see what I can do with what I learn…..your cakes are inspiring works of art…….

  6. The majority of these cake pictures are May Cadman’s, Maisie fantasie books. She needs to be given credit for half this video!!.

  7. I agree it did start out odd, and I had to reread the title to make sure I had clicked the right video, but everyone keep watching because it gets a lot better!

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